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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Baltimore's Top Cop Fired After Out-Of-Control Homicides

Baltimore’s top cop was fired Friday after a record year in per-capita homicides that has transformed Maryland’s largest city into one of the most dangerous areas in the United States.

To put things in perspective, Baltimore’s murder rate is 4x the average of other large cities and some 40 percent higher than Detroit. To make matters worse, Baltimore is now precisely tied with Venezuela, a country suffering from an economic collapse at 57.2 murders per 100,000 residents.

Mayor Catherine Pugh relieved Police Commissioner Kevin Davis of his duties after 2 1/2 years as top cop. Pugh, then announced that Deputy Commissioner Darryl DeSousa, who has been on the force for 30-years, will take Commissioner Kevin Davis‘ spot effective immediately.



  1. That's hilarious. Now she can tell #2 to stand down and let the rioters have their space, and he will.

    Biggest change since I quit smoking again today, LOL!

  2. Yeah, maybe after a career of 30 years there will be some brand new ideas and great leadership. Or not.

    Meanwhile, the top cop sacrifices continue as a weak suggestion that something is being done at the top.

  3. We can only hope that the great Limelight Lewis might go there and show them how it is done.

  4. its easy being a cop in Baltimore, watch the riots, watch the murders, watch the robberies, and then call the fire dept to clean the blood up

  5. Baltimore is a complete dump... unsafe, over-run, and broke. Let it rot. Take your hard earned money and go to DC, NYC, even Philadelphia is better.

  6. And a $150,000 Thou Leaving Bonus.

  7. States attorney is indicting cops left and right. 300 police have quit in 2 years. Then the diversity hiring deal. However, Maryland does have the most strict gun laws in the country besides Illinois and California. Lol.

  8. Let them do their damn jobs this time!!!

  9. Is racism causing the murders? BLM does NOT MENTION the shootings on the website.

  10. Baltimore is part of a Shithole country, the Republic of Maryland!

    Give free democratic citizen the right to carry guns and watch murders drop.

  11. There is no answer to Baltimore crime.

  12. Baltimore is a third world S...hole and should have funds cut off.

  13. If you visit Baltimore . . .be cognizant and enter it at your own peril because with the gangs, criminals and drugs, one stands a very high probability of being victimized.

  14. Maryland's insanely tight gun laws are working out quite well it would appear.

  15. Anonymous said...
    That's hilarious. Now she can tell #2 to stand down and let the rioters have their space, and he will.

    Biggest change since I quit smoking again today, LOL!

    January 23, 2018 at 5:37 PM

    No, what is HILARIOUS is the fact that you haven't been paying attention to realize Baltimore has had a different Mare since December 6, 2016. DUDE!! That's over a year and you have been sleeping.

    People like you are too dumb to vote.

  16. Baltimore has a new "top cop" because the new Mare has been dying to replace Kevin Davis because he is white and she was waiting for an excuse to replace him with a black guy who was the 2nd in command. If the out of control homicides were due to Kevin Davis then surely the second one in charge bears a lot of that responsibility.

    Be honest Mare Pugh, you are racist and got rid of the white guy for a black guy. If crime and homicides were the problems, you would have done a nationwide search and found someone more qualified.

  17. Salisbury in ten years

  18. January 24, 2018 at 2:56 AM:

    Is that your "signature" on your comments, or do you really not know how to spell "mayor."

  19. Blame Whitey because Blacks keep killing one another. It makes sense right. We created these monsters. Pugh is a crook from way back. She needs a Black Chief so she has control. Hogan needs to stop any assistance to that sh** hole. Baltimore is what is wrong with America. Black LIES matter.

  20. They need to fire her. She riled up HER people. No wonder the crime rate is so high. They think they will be immune to the laws with a black mayor. It will get worse now with a black chief. Watch and see.


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