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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Baltimore Residents Want More Police

As Baltimore grapples with its highest per capita record for homicides, some resident blame a lack of police presence in their neighborhoods as a reason for the city’s gun violence problem.

One Baltimore, Md., pastor argued that more police need to patrol the city’s neighborhoods in order to better protect the locals, according to an interview with NPR published Sunday.

“We wanted the police there,” Rev. Kinji Scott told NPR. “We wanted them engaged in the community. We didn’t want them beating the hell out of us, we didn’t want that. We need the front line police officers and we need the heart of the black community to step to the forefront of this discussion. And that’s when we’re going to see a decrease in crime.”



  1. More police in "(c)Harm City"?
    Well they better initiate a draft into that service if they plan on getting any takers.
    These pastors and reverends (that Baltimore seems to be so full of), who are so good at organizing busses to marches and voting booths, should center their efforts to organize the community against the criminals.
    Something tells me that won't happen. Mainly because there ain't no money in it for them.

  2. Contact BLM, crips, bloods, democrat party and states attorneys office. She quoted stating she loves her streets... police are quitting right and left and outside agencies aren't TAKING CHANCE to get indicted. FOLKS THIS IS WHAT YOU RIOTED FOR NOW DEAL WITH IT... Freddie gray hurt himself you all now it. Stop lying

  3. They can keep wanting and we should should keep giving , BS. More police ? How about more religion and more enforcement and more jail time.

  4. We give em playgrounds and they tear them down , we give them money and they buy drugs , we give them birth control and they multiply like rabbits , we give them housing and they burn them down , we keep giving , so maybe we just need to stop giving . No more police , maybe no police at all .

  5. Baltimore can disappear from the face of the Earth and it would not bother me. The only loss would be the Orioles, and even there we are stuck with an owner that does not care about winning. No, those Baltimorons are getting exactly what they asked for.

    Baltimore is a great case study in Democratic policy failure.

  6. Baltimore is a cesspool and has been since the democrat party took over.
    In the last three Governor cycles we have witnessed the following....
    It is rife with corruption, Sharon Pratt-Dixon stealing gift cards for the poor.
    It is rife with liberal decision making, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake telling the police to give the Saint Freddie Gray rioters space.
    And now they have clueless Pugh.
    There are 5 public schools in Baltimore that have 0% (that's zero) of the students performing at their grade level in English, Math or Science. The remainder of the schools show performance levels at less than 10% in all three areas.

  7. Democrats and liberals at their best, ruining another city. Baltimore use to be such a nice place to visit and had a lot to offer, not any more, unless you want to become a statistic.

  8. There is something wrong with the Black Culture - It's not Society's fault.
    While only 13% of the population in the USA is black

    93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
    85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
    80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
    79% of all robberies are committed by blacks...
    59% of all murders are committed by blacks
    52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks
    49% of all murder victims are black
    45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks
    42% of all cop killers are black
    8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of America’s total prison population.
    99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks as opposed to ANY OTHER minority in America.
    Blacks Commit 25X more Violent Assaults against Whites than Whites against Blacks.
    And the most amazing statistic of all;
    33% of all crimes in America are committed by 3% of the population; blacks between the ages of 16 and 36
    40% of blacks are on welfare (US Census)
    Only 59% blacks graduate high school (only 20%
    in Detroit)
    Over 60% of black households have no fathers present
    72% of black mothers are unwed, 72%!
    (Dept. of Justice, FBI and USA Census)

  9. ...the same ones complaining that police abandoned their duty are the same ones who voted for the Great Race Divider Hussein Obama who beat the race drums every time the police did their job. They deserve exacting what they are getting and nothing more. There are consequences to actions and this is it.

  10. Eliminate all Baltimore police and let them go at it. Same in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and all the other democratically controlled areas. These savages aren't going to change their culture until they stop blaming whitey and look in the mirror which will never happen as long as there remains a democrat party lying for them. Why risk the lives of the police trying to keep these uncivilized creatures from doing what is inherent in their nature and culture??

  11. Governments answer to every problem. Throw money at it, crime, education, etc.

  12. We have been to balto to visit johns hopkins, mercy and univ of maryland hospitals more than i care to admit, these are wonderful medical facilities that we are lucky to have so close by. but they are all plopped right down in the middle of the shxthole called baltimore maryland.

  13. The answer is NO.
    Next question!

  14. Baltimore is pretty much a lost cause.

  15. What part of NO do you not understand?


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