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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Anti-Trump Secret Society Using Burner Phones to Stay Under the Radar

Clandestine group panicked that deep state plot could be unraveling

The “secret society” that is attempting to bring down President Trump includes federal judges, former Attorney Generals and one sitting Attorney General of a large U.S. state and its members are using burner phones to evade detection, according to a new report.

On Monday, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) revealed that congressional investigators learned from a new batch of text messages between anti-Trump FBI investigators Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that a “secret society” within the DOJ and the FBI had schemed immediately after Trump’s election win to undermine the president.

That secret society doesn’t just include rogue anti-Trump FBI agents but also federal judges, federal prosecutors, one sitting Attorney General of a large U.S. state and potentially former Attorney General(s) of the United States, according to a new report.

“They communicate with meetings over cocktails, at homes, via encrypted chat rooms, texting on drug-cartel-inspired burner phones, and even via an email list, according to sources. Others have secured phones in the names of relatives to try to stay under the radar.”



  1. Let the hanging begin!!!!!
    These corrupt, double dealing, two faced, traitorous bastids are too low-life to allow hanging.
    Something slower and more painful.
    How much more in-your-face will they get before "we, the people" start taking things back??
    They commit OBVIOUS crimes, hide the evidence or attempt to destroy it, have other criminals lie and cover up for them, and have officials "lose" evidence. They thumb their nose at subpoena's (YOU try that...), can't remember what happened yesterday or even this morning, and laugh at the idea they may be guilty of anything.
    Set them on fire, while they hang.

    You cheer it like you benefit from it! Hillary is a hero! Obama is God-like in his wisdom.
    My God you are stupid.

  2. What a silly description of the deep state.

    The deep state was established by the richest families on the planet, to exert control over a publicly elected government.
    it works very well and has become perfected in many ways.
    We Americans for the most part, actually believe we are free - all because of the successes of the deep state.

    Right now, they have convinced most of the public that there are 2 dueling factions in Washington DC, the Republicans and the Democrats. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality there are deep state (intelligence) operatives who work in the controlled media to portray this illusion of duality. There is only monopoly in existence now. A large group of the richest dynastic banking families spread throughout the world who own most of the stocks and control most of the governments through their privately owned Central Banks (Fed, ECB, BOJ). These people run psychological operations out of Langely to spin various topics in the media.

    They think we are all stupid.

    1. How do you no if your typing at free will or just illusion from a hospital?? If you are free why do you live here?

    2. Truth!! 10:54 you would understand with some independent research of your own. The same old world with technology now. They still want a feudal system, they just have to tip toe back into it. And sprinkle in a little Lucifarianism, and we have the current state of the world.

  3. That's how adulterers behave. Snakes.

  4. I believe that we will soon find out just who has been running America. This is why they did not want Trump, because he is not a member of their so called secret society. Hillary is. They are afraid they are going to lose their grip on America and they will be brought to justice. They cannot control Trump and they are scared to death of him. They do not want a regular American in office.


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