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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

And Some Schools Actually Closed Today


  1. Its the Eastern Shore way. Back when my kids were in Worcester County schools, the Superintendent once closed the county schools over a FORECAST of snow. As it turned out, not one snowflake feel after that forecast. Sometimes its just a paid day off for the teachers.

  2. For the life of me I cannot remember having more than one day off during a snowstorm. That was in Baltimore - during the 60's - and we had to depend on mass transit to get to school.
    What did they do back then to get the city back in shape quickly that they don't do today??

  3. 1252...City of Baltimore?? What don't they do today?


  4. 212:52 the neighborhoods of baltimore banned together to keep the THUGS in check, now the THUGS RULE!!!!!


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