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Saturday, January 13, 2018

About a million people in Hawaii saw this message today. It was a false alarm.


  1. Democrats are idiots!

  2. I don't see this as accidental at all. It is the result of some liberal who thought this to be a "funny" prank. It is NOT funny at all.

    I mean, how do you mistakenly press "the button" as you are leaving for shift change? Find him/her and hangem....

  3. 38 minutes to fix but takes only 20 minutes for a NKorean missile to hit the island?

  4. "It was a mistake made during a standard procedure at the change over of a shift, and an employee pushed the wrong button,"

    Sure, the entire democratic party as a whole caused this. 7:59 you make us look bad.

  5. More fake news....yet we are worried about The President using the word shithole??? I would like to know what words the Hawaiians used for this screw up???? But we couldn't use them due to oversight of the FCC!


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