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Friday, January 05, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Want to Talk about Eastern Shore Corruption? How About Eastern Shore Corruption - VA style! Town Clerk's Car Burns Up with Audit Records

A car belonging to Hallwood Town Clerk Angela Hinman Taylor, also known as Angel, caught fire on Oct. 7, and all the town’s records that were being stored inside were destroyed, Mayor Jackie Poulson reported this week. It happened just a couple of days before the documents were to be turned over for a long-overdue audit. Taylor lives about 350 yards from the town office and mostly did the town work at her home. The fire occurred about five miles from Hallwood on Wessells Farm Road. The car’s make and model were not identified at press time. The vehicle was hauled to a local salvage yard, crushed and taken away before the town found out about it, Poulson said. Taylor, 44, resigned from the position in a letter she left for others to find in the town office, and she refuses to return the town’s laptop, the mayor said. He met with state police Tuesday after asking for an investigation, but was given little hope in finding answers. “They wouldn’t retrieve our laptop,” the mayor continued. “That’s a civil matter,” he said the officers told him. Taylor contends the town’s laptop is in the office, Poulson said. “But it wasn’t there — only an old one, (desktop) that is 20 years old,” he complained. The alleged burned records included minutes of town meetings and Taylor’s work schedule.



  1. How Clinton convenient.

  2. sounds like she took a page from Killary and Roy Moore's accuser.

  3. WOW...sounds like Pittsville. BAM!!!

  4. Oh the big smelly POS calls herself "Angel." The slob is at the very least nothing but a low life useless waste of oxygen thief. Garbage like Taylor should spend the rest of her miserable criminal life rotting away in prison. And whatever spawned and raised such a loser should have a foot rammed up it's arse too.

    1. 6:39- Angel is a cousin of mine. She doesn't call herself Angel. It's what we've called her. Say what you will about her, but her mother and father are my aunt and uncle. Her mistakes are no fault of her upbringing. She is 44 and accountable for her own actions.
      You are an idiot lowlife for threatening her parents. That's really uncalled for. "Big and smelly?" What are you, six? Loser!

  5. She will pay one way or another, you can be sure of that.

  6. You are an idiot lowlife for threatening her parents. That's really uncalled for. "Big and smelly?" What are you, six? Loser!

    January 6, 2018 at 8:18 AM

    I don't know your cousin or if she did anything wrong, although it does look bad for her. But I do like your response in sticking up for her as a person. Time will tell what has happened. People like whom you have answered love to put others down, make judgments and try to stand on others to make themselves taller, so to speak.

    I doubt if that will be the only time you see such attacks. Try not to let your BP get out of control over it. Peace.

  7. 8:18- No worries and your comments are well received. I'll have words with anyone who wants to throw mud at my deceased father's brother. Angel will have to speak for herself.
    I spoke my peace and then made homemade waffles with berries, homemade whipped cream, and fried some homemade bacon. Processed by a former classmate / former roomie. The bacon is the only thing working against my BP.
    My comment on this post is solely in respect to someone who is dear to me, my uncle, who a troll wants to assume he is to blame for the ACCUSATIONS of a 44 year old. "Salt of the earth," best describes the 2 generations of Hinman's before my generation. Half are gone, the other half could care less what the interweb states. However, I'll give a few minutes to make a troll feel like an idiot. I'm snowed in, so I have a few extra minutes this weekend. I'll leave the conversation with this. When the sh!t hits the fan, and everthing goes south, I will be fine, because of them. They were raised off the land, not the A&P. Let's leave the senior parents of grown A$$ adults out of it. Thanks, 8:56. 6:39-No shame in getting a G.E.D.. Everyone be safe!

  8. Final thought, who has ever put Hillary Clinton's parents on blast? How avout that? Angel is not anywhere near the infamy of parents like Charles Manson's, otherwise I wouldn't be posting my name, but blaming a parent for what a 44 yr old does is just ludicrous. I can only assume 6:39 has parental issues!? Okay, I promise that's all!

  9. JASON hinman said...
    6:39- Angel is a cousin of mine. She doesn't call herself Angel. It's what we've called her. Say what you will about her, but her mother and father are my aunt and uncle. Her mistakes are no fault of her upbringing. She is 44 and accountable for her own actions.
    You are an idiot lowlife for threatening her parents. That's really uncalled for. "Big and smelly?" What are you, six? Loser!

    January 6, 2018 at 8:18 AM

    Look Douche Bag Jason, there was no threat. You have a low life family, face it.

  10. October 29, 2017? Kind of late on the publishing aren't we.

  11. To 6:17 Poster - Funny, I never heard about this until I just read it on SBYnews. What is more important, is how did the incident evade all of the MSM's including WBOC, WMDT, Daily Times, among others. November 1, was only two months ago and so I would not necessarily say its all that late.


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