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Friday, January 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Good Deeds Don't Go Unnoticed

What can you say about our friends except 'Thanks for being there when we needed you the most'! Perdue Farms saved the shelter $1,000's of dollars of frozen food when our compressors went on the blink. When they heard we were in need, they did not hesitate and found a way to send a freezer truck to sit in the lot for a week! All our frozen foods were transferred to the truck by our male guests through the dining room windows. It was a sight to behold as each carried boxes and boxes of frozen foods to the window to be transferred to the truck. Then when the compressor was fixed, Perdue sent a driver back, hooked up the truck and left. Surely God will bless those who bless the least of these, the homeless and less fortunate! Again, thank you Perdue!


  1. now that is a good neighbor

  2. See now that a good story! Too bad Main Stream Media's don't tell this story and give Perdue some good Press.

  3. Cool. So often we hear only the negative (thanks MSM)...

  4. People helping people is what it's all about thank you Perdue!

  5. Cheers Perdue. They also helped the Humane Society store food donations when the puppy mill was busted.

  6. Perdue does a lot of good without seeking the limelight. Glad to see they got a little "tip of the hat" this morning!

  7. Which shelter is this? Good Job Perdue!

  8. Perdue does numerous acts of kindness that usually does go unnoticed! Thank you Perdue Farms! EAT MORE CHICKEN!!!


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