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Monday, January 22, 2018

A Viewer Writes, Easy Money

Joe-- I run an ad blocker on my browser, as well as some tweaks on my system that keep me from being barraged by ads all day.. and it works very well. I don't see many ads.

EXCEPT on SbyNews.. they are always there. They don't bother me the way you have them, and they have actually been very helpful to me from time to time when I needed something (like a body shop or a REAL good lawyer.)

And the thing that kills me is this-- your advertisers get this kind of
exposure day after day, week after week, and it only costs $100 per month.

A hundred bucks to be in front of THOUSANDS of readers every day. With very good return on investment from what I'm told. 'Easy money.' :-)

I was in sales years ago, and I know a good deal when I see one. People should be all over this. You can't beat it.

Thanks for all you do, dude.


  1. The only problem is that the majority of the people reading this have no money and those that do are too cheap to spend it on anything but beer, cigarettes and hunting/fishing equipment.

    1. And Trump bumper stickers.

    2. 12:29 1:32. 🤣🤣🤣

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I support those advertisers. My income is considerably above average, I don't throw away money on alcohol and tobacco and the like, I have two degrees and I don't hunt.

  4. I have ad blocker, too, and I'm not troubled at all by pop-up ads. The ads on SBYNews aren't pop-ups and I have no problem with them being there. They're not invasive or obnoxious. I have had the pleasure of dealing with a couple of the vendors only because I saw them advertised there.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. 2:03 They said a majority, not every person. If you are so smart, why are you still living in a blue state with high taxes?


  7. This would be a good place for somebody who has a business like Shaklee or Mary Kay to get an ad.

  8. Boy the Net Neutrality slow downs have really made all these Blog Ladies snarky .

  9. Thanks, Joe, for running my ad here. I'm so busy I sometimes can't stand it, and this is my only ad anywhere.

  10. What a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious knowledge about unexpected emotions.

  11. Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.


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