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Monday, January 22, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Eagles

I am not a big fan of the current occupant of the White House, although I am grateful for many of the policies he has enacted and appointments he has made. I am writing to relate a striking occurrence that I witnessed during the President's speech, which was delivered via live video-feed, to the March for Life on Friday January 19th.

I was with a group from Salisbury MD that traveled to Washington DC to protest abortion and to stand up for the March for Life's principle that "Love Saves Lives".

We arrived at the mall grounds more than an hour before the program began. We were able to make our way toward the front, and settled to the right of the stage, about 100 feet out, with a great view of the jumbotron.

During the speech by the President -- and only during his speech -- two bald eagles repeatedly swooped over the March for Life crowd. The majestic birds circled overhead for most of the President's speech and then flew off as the President was closing his remarks. The eagles did not return during the rest of the speeches (nearly an hour) nor did I see them again during the March.

Many people noticed the eagles and took photos.

My assumption is that the eagles are the mating pair of American bald eagles named Mr President and The First Lady who reside in the National Arboretum.


  1. It was a sign from God

  2. 9:11 yeah, coincidence seems to be a staple of religion

  3. News flash, birds tend to fly from time to time

  4. Seems funny that the press didn't really give attention to this march, but gave full time to the next day's march that was full of people dressed like idiots, and acting like one too.


  6. I am a big fan of the current occupant of the White House.

  7. Ditto 10:12, along with many more of us out here. In fact around the USA. That is why we are blessed to have the current occupant.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:11 yeah, coincidence seems to be a staple of religion

    January 22, 2018 at 9:41 AM

    Poor 9:41 on the day of the Rapture will be sitting there saying it is just a coincidence.


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