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Friday, January 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Chicken Sewage Spill

We are just now hearing something about a supposedly 400,000 gal. sewage spill at the old Allen food chicken plant in Cordova that happened a couple days ago.

All citizens are hearing is that our water system hear might be contaminated but officials are not giving any of us any info at this time.

I was wondering if you could look into this for we really don't want to end up like a flint Michigan situation here too.

I follow your site every day so thought you could possibly shed some light on this mater.


  1. You won't end up like Flint Michigan because you're not a poor black community.

  2. 9:56 Am you are a jack ass clown...

    That is exactly what will happen soon with this situation... They will have a spill or intentionally dump it, and then you can;t drink your water and then when you refuse to con=tune to pay for water you can't drink, they will shut your water off, condemn your house and oopps Flint Michigan...

    Oh lets not forget, how they will add surcharges and late fees to said fines they give you, and after all of that and you get kicked out of your house, even if it is brand new and you still owe on it, they will make you still pay for the mortgage even if you can't love there...

    But the average stupid SBY citizens won't and can't see this coming or happening, even though it will, and I will just go ahead and say it right now before it even happens, "I told you all so, yet again!!!!" That is how confident I Know what I'm talking about and will happen...

  3. Why all the name calling? Little wonder no one wants to open a new business in this area. So sad.

  4. Happy TGIF 1046. You need a freebie!

  5. Wasn't Flint a slow leaching of lead from old water infrastructure into the drinking water? This sound like workplace accident that may have contaminated the drinking water. Solution's would be completely different for each issue.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    Why all the name calling? Little wonder no one wants to open a new business in this area. So sad.

    January 12, 2018 at 11:12 AM"

    Seriously? You are either joking or you are completely clueless. The last thing any business owner would ever be afraid of is being called a name. That is the least of there concerns. Successful business owners get called all kinds of names some nice some not so nice in the course of doing business.

  7. 5:34 People on this blog calling each other names because they are not smart enough to debate an issue without personal attacks. Lack of smart people that are or are capable of being educated is why no businesses open here. Long gone are the jobs for people that can only turn a wrench or put pumps together. Today's jobs require mental skills. Hence, no new businesses here.


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