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Saturday, December 02, 2017

Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

The educational achievement of white youngsters is nothing to write home about, but that achieved by blacks is nothing less than disgraceful. Let's look at a recent example of an educational outcome all too common. In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore's 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state's mathematics exam. In six other high schools, only one percent tested proficient in math. In raw numbers, 3,804 Baltimore students took the state's math test, and 14 tested proficient. Citywide, only 15 percent of Baltimore students passed the state's English test.

Last spring, graduation exercises were held at one Baltimore high school, 90 percent of whose students received the lowest possible math score. Just one student came even close to being proficient. Parents and family members applauded the conferring of diplomas. Some of the students won achievement awards and college scholarships. Baltimore is by no means unique. It's a small part of the ongoing education disaster for black students across the nation. Baltimore schools are not underfunded. Of the nation's 100 largest school systems, Baltimore schools rank third in spending per pupil.

Baltimore's black students receive diplomas that attest that they can function at a 12th-grade level when in fact they may not be able to do so at a seventh- or eighth-grade level. These students and their families have little reason to suspect that their diplomas are fraudulent.

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  1. "Of the nation's 100 largest school systems, Baltimore schools rank third in spending per pupil."

    Take note that this doesn't say 3rd in Maryland. It 3rd in the COUNTRY. Yeah, Mayor Pugh. Send Baltimores kids to FREE college to keep them off the streets. What a bird brain. She needs to go back to something she knows how to do like housekeeping in some hotel.

  2. When will blacks understand that education is key to success. Too bad the BLM movement isn't directed to education instead of resist.


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