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Saturday, December 02, 2017

US Approves Monthly Injection for Opioid Addiction

U.S. health officials on Thursday approved the first injectable form of the leading medication to treat patients recovering from addiction to heroin, prescription painkillers and other opioids.

The Food and Drug Administration approved once-a-month Sublocade for adults with opioid use disorder who are already stabilized on addiction medication.

The monthly injection has the potential to reduce dangerous relapses that occur when patients stop taking the currently available daily medication. But that benefit has not yet been shown in studies and the new drug comes with a hefty price: $1,580 per monthly dose.

The older version of the drug, Suboxone, costs $100 a month.



  1. So, insurance premiums are rising, and deductibles are rising so no one will be able to afford the drug. Only the rich who can afford the insurance that covers this will be the ones to benefit from it. Drug companies aren't concerned with helping everyone who needs it.

  2. So why not use the Older Drug??

  3. What? The same "U.S. health officials" who allow big pharma to get mega-rich by mass-producing way more of the problem drugs than will ever be really needed...are now going to sell us this? We really are sheep. We can read license plates from space, but we can't find and destroy all the poppy plants before they are processed and sent here?

  4. sorry but i feel the cancer patients and people with heart problems and diabetes are more important than some drug addict. If they want to kill themselves with that crap i say good riddance, once they all die off, problem solved.

  5. Just put them in a room with food and water and a crapper. After about a week they will be fine. Of course we will need to form a committee to talk about it and apply for millions of government money then make a presentation to our leaders who are having sex in their offices . People you can't fix everything with money or a boat load of BS. Can't see the forest because of the trees.


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