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Thursday, December 28, 2017

University Professors Triggered: ‘Trump Has Used Christmas To Promote White Nationalism’

Leftist professors, the gift that keeps on giving. As long as they say retarded things, I will be here to tell you all about them so you no longer send your kids to college. You can get by just fine in this world without a college degree if you have the work ethic. It’s time to hit them where it hurts: their wallets. As long as they have useful idiots to brainwash, they will charge them a healthy sum for it. Stop sending your kids there, they no longer have that option.

The newest outrage comes from a Newsweek article where three university professors saying that Trump is using Christmas to further the cause of white nationalism, just like Nazi Germany. The stupidity never ends with these people.

According to the interviewed professors, Trump’s crusade to to end the “war on Christmas” and telling people they can say “Merry Christmas” again is just a “dog whistle” for white supremacy.

“I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,” Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “It does not appear to be intolerant or extreme, but to attentive audiences it speaks volumes about identity and belonging—who and what are fully American.”

It didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to the National Socialist German Workers Party and its charismatic leader in the 1930s. Joe Perry, one of the professors interviewed by Newsweek’s Cristina Maza, claims that Trump is doing the same thing as the Nazis, who rewrote Christmas carols an used Christmas to promote antisemitism. This guy must be really fun at dinner parties.



  1. Whaaaaaaat ?!??
    How is Christmas a white thing?
    I guess I should go back and pick up all the bikes I just donated to black charities, since they don't celebrate Christmas.

  2. Sticks and stones people. I dont care what these idiots say.

    Merry Christmas is a sentiment and a greeting. The proper response if you celebrate Christmas is to say Merry Christmas back. If you don't celebrate Christmas, than simply respond with "You also or thank you". If you want to respond with a Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Space Cricket Moon Beams, go right ahead. This would be a welcome exchange between civil people. However, if you find yourself getting angry because people say this than it's a big red flag. Look in the mirror. You are the problem. The trouble maker and you need to recognize your privilege. That privilege is being in a country with and run by a bunch of white men that want to Make America Great Again.

    If you get hostile fine. You have labeled yourself an idiot. I will remember you and I will go out of my way to say Merry Christmas.

    Get over it morons. We are all different yet the same. Celebrate your difference, dont use them as reasons to justify your misplaced anger.

  3. White Liberals don't believe that Black people can be Christians.


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