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Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Trump Pulls United States Out of UN Immigration Deal

Tillerson, Haley: Global Compact on Migration could undermine U.S. sovereignty

The United States will no longer participate in the U.N.-organized Global Compact on Migration (GCM), the U.S. Mission to the U.N. informed the secretary-general on Sunday.

That decision was informed by concerns about threats to the United States's sovereignty, with administration officials citing the need for the country to define its own immigration policy independent of the mandates of the United Nations.

"America is proud of our immigrant heritage and our long-standing moral leadership in providing support to migrant and refugee populations across the globe. No country has done more than the United States, and our generosity will continue," said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

"But our decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone. We will decide how best to control our borders and who will be allowed to enter our country," Haley said.



  1. About time we decide for ourselves. Thank god hillary didn’t win!!!

  2. We needed a real leader and we have one.
    Fear the "female obama" who lurks in the future.

  3. God Bless President Trump!!!

    Saving us from all the BS and destruction Osama, I mean Obama did the last 8 years!

    Be a good start to 2018 now if only that lying bitch chocked to death!

  4. President Trump putting America first. No fake news P.C. man here just a true leader.

  5. God bless President Trump and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.


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