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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Trump-hating conservatives urged to ditch their rage for the sake of the 2018 election

Conservatives and Republicans who still oppose President Trump should rethink their cause, advises one veteran political expert — for the sake of the GOP and the crucial 2018 election ahead.

“It is time for the remaining Never Trumpers to apologize for a reason far more important than self-castigation or merely to make things ‘right.’ Donald Trump — whose initial victory was a shock, even, ironically, to those of us who predicted it — has compounded that shock by being astoundingly successful in his first year, especially at the conclusion. He’s a quick study, evidently. More conservative goals have been achieved or put in motion in eleven months than in any time in recent, or even distant, memory. It’s an astonishing reversal for our country accompanied by the beginnings of an economic boom,” wrote columnist Roger L. Simon, founder of PJ Media.

“But that same success is causing, it’s becoming increasingly clear, an equally determined, even virulent, reaction from the left. At first they too thought Trump was an ineffectual blowhard who would shoot himself in the foot, ultimately redounding to their advantage. Now that they have found that not to be the case, they are in a state of panic, fearing a defeat for their ideals that would set them back years, even decades. They cannot let this stand and are marshaling all their forces from the media to Hollywood to the academy, not to mention at least some of the investigative units of the FBI,” Mr. Simon continued.

“The next year seems poised to be an ideological duel as close to the death as we have seen in a long time..



  1. Unfortunately for us, so far they have chosen establishment over ideology. The reason is obvious. Establishment makes them personally rich thru a corrupt system. It won't change until we change it by force.

  2. Its not that they hate Trump...they hate what he stands for, they hate the threat to their schemes, they hate what America needs and wants, they hate the America that voted him in and the reasons there of. The Haters, are treasonous against America.

  3. The RNC called me recently to ask me for a monetary contribution towards the 2018 elections.

    This is the same group who wanted anyone EXCEPT Trump to win the primary election and generally forced him to finance his own campaign, which he won.

    The same RNC sat back and watched while Trump used his own planes and staff to run his Presidential Campaign and did nothing to support the man. So, Trump won it with his own plan and his own money.

    The same RNC stood back and watched as an Alabama Judge with a FORTY YEAR pristine and clean record was bombarded with totally unconfirmed sexual molestation charges by totally unknown and unveiled women and did absolutely NOTHING to help the man's campaign.

    Now, on the day the Democrat opponent of Judge Moore is being sworn in stood by and watched his request for a recount and investigation into voter fraud get shot down and are even announcing that they are SO GLAD that he didn't win because they "could have" been strapped with a "nuclear" candidate all the while ADMITTING that his Dem opponent is totally proven to be bad apples for the Country, called me again and is asking me for more money to "support Republican candidates" in 2018 elections.

    What do you think my answer was to them?

    Not NO, but FU** NO!

    1. 4:50. You’re a real badass over the phone.

  4. Trump is the closest thing ANYONE will get to a guardian angel. Enjoy it while you can.


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