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Monday, December 18, 2017

TRUMP: Deporting MS-13 is Cheaper than Jailing Them

“Who the hell wants to take care of them?,” President Donald Trump told graduates of the FBI National Academy while speaking about the MS-13 transnational criminal gang. During his speech in Quantico, Virginia, the commander-in-chief said it was cheaper to deport the hyper-violent gang members than to jail them.

“To any member of MS-13 listening, I have a message for you: We will find you,” the president said on Friday. “We will arrest you. We will jail you. We will throw you the hell out of the country.”

The president continued, “I mean, somehow, I like it better than jail. Jail we have to take care of them. Who the hell wants to take care of them.” The graduates responded with applause. “You know the jail stuff is wonderful but, we have to pay for it, right?”

President Trump reiterated his call to end chain migration and the visa lottery system. He called for replacing those immigration programs with “a merit-based system of immigration.” “We want a system that puts the needs of American families, taxpayers, and security first.”

“That is why I have also directed the federal government law enforcement to work closely with our state and local police to destroy criminal cartels like the savages of MS-13.”



  1. Problem is that they will keep coming back!

    They need to disappear - like the CIA used to do with spies in the 50's, 60's, and 70's...if they are gone...they can't come back!


  2. We need to pass a law that prescribes an automatic 5-years in prison for anyone who has been deported and re-enters illegally. No court appearance needed. No lawyer, no bail, no hearing. Straight to jail.

  3. Some act as though immigration is a right for all who want to come here, regardless of health, mental state, felonies, gang membership, etc.

    1. The reason for their way of thinking is because we taught them to think that way. We have no one to blame but our prior Administration.

  4. A plane ride with a parachute to their country or origine. That's all they need. Each subsequent parachute gets smaller, if you catch my drift.

  5. Send them to the middle of some run down Middle Eastern country and leave them behind. Problem solved.

  6. Force march them from Dallas to the Rio. ONE stop for water. No food. Any survivors are made to stand on the riverbank.
    Shoot them in the head and kick their bodies into the river.
    Do it in the daytime so Mexicans can watch and learn. So will the Salvadorians and the Guatemalan thugs.
    It would be 1000% better than THEY treat THEIR enemies.
    Its a win-win for American interests.
    These criminals will cut your heart out in front of your mother.
    You want to be NICE to them????

  7. Force march them from Dallas to the Rio. ONE stop for water. No food. Any survivors are made to stand on the riverbank.
    Shoot them in the head and kick their bodies into the river.
    Do it in the daytime so Mexicans can watch and learn. So will the Salvadorians and the Guatemalan thugs.
    It would be 1000% better than THEY treat THEIR enemies.
    Its a win-win for American interests.
    These criminals will cut your heart out in front of your mother.
    You want to be NICE to them????

  8. Force march them from Dallas to the Rio. ONE stop for water. No food. Any survivors are made to stand on the riverbank.
    Shoot them in the head and kick their bodies into the river.
    Do it in the daytime so Mexicans can watch and learn. So will the Salvadorians and the Guatemalan thugs.
    It would be 1000% better than THEY treat THEIR enemies.
    Its a win-win for American interests.
    These criminals will cut your heart out in front of your mother.
    You want to be NICE to them????

  9. Well we could if your fat white trash tatooed daughters where not running with these thugs. They like big stupid gals.

  10. Executing them is Cheaper than Jailing them .....Bullets are
    cheap !!!! Turn them over to military trial , then Shoot !


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