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Thursday, December 28, 2017

This is the one response by former President Obama that didn't play well fortunately


  1. He's hard for me to watch,especially after he intentionally led us down a path of destruction.Thank goodness Presidents are limited to 2 terms.

  2. What a pompous punk! He should feel like the total loser that he is...

  3. I don't hate the man. He was their last ditch attempt and yet another puppet. If he is true he will rise and become a post presidential public servant like Carter and show his true colors outside of politics . I hate to say America was not ready for a house nigger to run the plantation. He pissed off whites and blacks alike and only created more division with his formal sugar coated ebonics and false promises of HOPE. It is what he was cultivated to do. I remember that Lincolnesque speech he gave at the convention and knew He'd be their next pitch then appointed Hillary as Secretary of State even Madeleine Albright took offense and puked a little. He was never a Democrat at all he was the rube put in to return the Republican party to Reagan era business as usual and that's what we got with this clown that can't even get an american women to marry him. We have never had a third world trophy mail order bride in the white house with a thrice divorced commander in chief.It is all very comical anyone that thinks any of this is real is out of their butt hurt minds.

    1. Do you have any friends - I doubt it. Sad

  4. A magic wand is no good to anyone unless someone knows how to use it.

  5. Can not watch this due to content, the nasty vile loser in the photo. I admit I listened to him during his first campaign when he lied saying everything would be on c-span. Visibility, no more hidden back seat crap. I didn't vote for the quack, nor have I heard his voice since. And I might add, don't want to hear it again.

  6. His answer was his RESULTS.

  7. Trump did what he said he was going to do. Obama showed his ignorance.


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