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Sunday, December 03, 2017

There Is Something Odd About Arizona Sen. John McCain’s Injury

Arizona Sen. John McCain recently treated a small injury to his Achilles tendon. This comes at a time when McCain still is under treatment for his brain cancer, glioblastoma.

McCain’s office stated: “Senator McCain was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend for a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon, as well as for other normal and non-life-threatening side effects of cancer therapy. Senator McCain has returned to work in the Senate and will be wearing a walking boot until his injured tendon is fully healed.”

But something is little suspicious.

On Nov 6 McCain posted a tweet with a photograph of him wearing a walking boot on his right leg…



  1. There is no cure for glioblastoma, only treatment to attempt to sllw its growth and minimize its effects, which include seizures, behavioral changes, dementia and motor control/balance loss.
    Achilles tendon injuries don't just occur without some force, as in a fall or misstep off a stair or curb.
    They never migrate from one side to the other.

  2. Those tracking devices get pretty uncomfortable. Probably had to change sides because of blistering!

  3. He needs that boot up side his head like a cast iron skillet.

  4. ICYMI: McCain started wearing this boot when the word got out around DC that some 1,000+ sealed indictments in districts all over the US were issued by the DOJ. Apparently, there are a few in AZ where McCain and his institute herald and word is, he is very likely one of the infamous sealed indictments.

    Many have started to question whether or not McCain's cancer surgery was real because of the speed for which he recovered, along with the dressing for the wound (a band-aid) and the fact his eyebrows were not shaved as customary in such invasive surgeries.

    Could John McCain be setting the stage for some temporary insanity/dementia plea out should one of those indictments have his name on it? It's not like McCain hasn't skirted the law before. In the 70s after he returned from being a POW, he was pardoned by Nixon, avoiding a court marshal. Then, in the 80s, he evaded prosecution for corruption and bribery when he was involved with the S&L Keating 5. As you can see, McCain has had a run of luck that may be running out sooner than later.

    Now tell me, who would put a crippled man in prison regardless of his crimes and violations against humanity and the USA? Especially one who was a self-proclaimed 'war hero?'

  5. Some of those indictments have already been opened. There's been a large number of people already busted for human trafficking lately. They just made another bust over the weekend along with a massive raid in Crowne Heights in Brooklyn.

  6. More and more people in Washington are wearing those boots. He'd hate for us to spot the ankle bracelet he has to wear now.

  7. 1211 Yes, you're right a lot of people are wearing the boots. There is no coincidence in this either. Hillary Clinton also wears one of these boots as well as Chelsea.

    1. Chelsea has never wore one of "these boots." Source, please or stop making stuff up. Wrong site for that.

    2. Lol you ever heard of Google. Look it up yourself. Or is that fake news

    3. I looked it up, smarty pants. You made it up. Yes, your spreading fake news.

  8. As a person who helps care for an elderly family member in a similar situation, I see this often. The person would like to be mobile and often switches a boot from one to the other depending on which is more painful. Im not a dr, but I have seen this.

    1. But the boot isn't worn for walking comfort it's worn to heal from a supposed surgery. McCain is a globalist scum bag and so was his Dad. Read about the USS Liberty. It's proof that our Government as well as Israel's Government WOULD attack and kill US citizens to get support for a war. Just like they did in 9/11, and just like they are about to do any day to start a war with Iran.

  9. Fake injury just like fake news.

  10. Now we have proof he is a literal.

  11. i'll wear a boot in his a@#


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