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Friday, December 08, 2017

Color Photos Of Pearl Harbor

The full horror of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour has been laid bare in newly colorized pictures released on the 76th anniversary of the assault.

In just 90 minutes, more than 2,400 US servicemen and civilians lost their lives while 17 ships were damaged or lost - dragging America into the Second World War and forever changing the course of the conflict.

The pictures here show the wrecks of the USS California, which sank after being hit by two torpedoes and two bombs, and the USS Oklahoma, which was holed by four torpedoes and capsized.

Others reveal the damage done on shore as Navy fighter planes were blown up without the chance to take off and hangars set ablaze during the surprise assault.



  1. Sadly several Brothers died on the Arizona. Many parents lost their families.

  2. Do newly colorized photos do justice to WW2 photos that were taken in black & white?They look great anyway.

  3. Sadly, the rememberance wains more and more each year. There simply are very few people alive that remember that day now.


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