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Friday, December 08, 2017

Sweden: Migration responsible for 300% increase in HIV cases

In 2011, for example, 74% of new cases were infected abroad and 84% of people infected were foreign born

The number of HIV-related illness in Sweden has grown from 1,684 in 2006 to 6,273 in 2016. That’s an increase of almost 300%.

According to Anders Tegnell of the Public Health Authority, this can be explained by migrant flows from countries where HIV is a major problem.

“There are more and more people living with HIV, because you no longer die of AIDS,” he said.

Publicly available health figures in Sweden show that the number of new cases was relatively constant from the late 1980s to a few years into the 21st century. Since then there was a steep increase.

In 2011, for example, 74% of new cases were infected abroad and 84% of people infected were foreign born.



  1. Don't paint with such a wide brush. It isn't migration, it's the migrants.

  2. Just look at the race of the animals migrating, no real mistery as to what they have be doing it with.


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