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Saturday, December 02, 2017

Steve King Pledges to Block ‘Every Form’ of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Kate Steinle’s Honor

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says he will do his part in honoring 32-year-old Kate Steinle — whose illegal alien killer was acquitted of her murder — by blocking “every form” of amnesty that the GOP-led Congress attempts to push.

After five-time deportee and seven-time felon illegal alien Jose Garcia Zarate, also known as Juan Francisco López-Sánchez, was not convicted of the murder of Steinle — despite previously admitting to shooting and killing the woman while she was walking on a pier with her father — King called the decision “Sickening!”

“The illegal alien who, no one disagrees, killed Kate Steinle is found NOT guilty in sanctuary city, San Francisco. Sickening!” King wrote.

King also vowed to oppose any amnesty for illegal aliens that the Congress may attempt to pass by the end of the year.

“I will spare no effort to do my own killing-- of all amnesty in every form!” King continued.

More here


  1. He wasn't guilty of murder, the prosecutors were wrong they should have charged him with manslaughter. does anyone know if he can still be charged with manslaughter.As I understand it the senate killed kates law because it got loaded up with amandments that had nothing to do with kates law. Shame on the congress, they should have a clean bill as orginally written,then anyone who votes (not a yea or nay voice vote)against it would have to answer to the voters why they support criminal illegal felons.

  2. To 2:19 The POS that shot and killed Kate Steinle WAS charged with manslaughter, 1st and 2nd degree murder and was found not guilty on all of these charges.

  3. Democrats for destroying America.


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