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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 61,859,250

The number of Social Security beneficiaries hit a record 61,859,250 in November, according to data released by the Social Security Administration.

At the same time, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with unemployment at the lowest rate since 2000 (4.1 percent), there were 126,827,000 full-time workers in the United States (including government workers). Yet that equaled only 2.05 full-time workers for each person receiving Social Security benefits.

Even when all 153,918,000 people who had jobs in November are considered (counting both full- and part-time workers), the ratio of workers to Social Security beneficiaries was about 2.49 to 1.



  1. The lying politicians have been robbing SS for years knowing full well a day of reckoning would come,but they figured by then they would have stolen enough to get real rich,so they didn't care.

  2. The worthless baby boomers that have destroyed America will now destroy the social security system.

  3. They need to discontinue the illegal aliens that didn't pay in to the system!

    They need to make the disability a little harder to get - too mant are using it like extended unemployment!

  4. The SS disability payments to fakers is what is breaking the system, not the legitimate SS recipients.


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