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Friday, December 08, 2017

So You Know...


  1. It would be much more if Crooked Hillary was in there. She would take over for land grabbing Osama....

  2. Makes for great parks, and campgrounds. Also helps protect natural habitats from being destroyed.

    Looks good if you ask me.

  3. About 10 yrs ago a friend drove cross country staying in National Parks along the way. She said in so many of them she was the only camper in the whole park. She said the only one that had any substantial amount of visitors was Mt Rushmore and that is because she was their on July 4th.
    A lot of ranchers out west who are paying for grazing rights would like to purchase some of this property. That would get it back on the state property tax rolls. Also look at CA. Selling some of the land to developers would relieve the burden of the overcrowding in the LA/Southern CA area by expanding the suburbs. This would help with the uncontrollable fires that cost tax payers nationwide a fortune.

  4. 924 - you think many developers will build in the desert? There's this place called Las Vegas NV, which on the outskirts of the "strip" many many homes are sitting with no one in them.

    I dunno, but maybe by mid century means for water in the desert will be easier...maybe the economy will be better for homes...maybe the SNOWFLAKE generation will be replaced with those with a business/economics acumen rather than a me me I I mindset?


  5. 9:24 Just got back from the parks in the CO, NV, UT area. Parks weren't packed but we certainly weren't the only ones...

  6. Go back and reread. No mention of Las Vegas. I know the building collapse hit Las Vegas extremely hard. Anyway just for the record LV was built in the desert.
    The federal government shouldn't be in the business of renting camping spots anyway. That's should be left up to private business.

  7. Most are under the very wrong impression that this federally owned land is bucolic and pristine. That is far from the truth. The areas open to the public are but the vast majority isn't open to the public. This is where ranchers have grazing leases, others gas and oil drilling leases and logging leases. It's all controlled by the BLM. The proposal is to give this land to the states to do what they want with it and that is the way it should be.


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