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Monday, December 11, 2017

Santa's Slaves: 200 parcels a day with no time for toilet breaks

Drivers are being asked to deliver up to 200 parcels a day for Amazon while earning less than the minimum wage, a Sunday Mirror investigation reveals.

I hopped in a white van to spend a day with one driver and experience first-hand the intolerable pressures they face from “impossible” schedules.

Many routinely exceed the legal maximum shift of 11 hours and finish their days dead on their feet.

Yet they have so little time for food or toilet stops they snatch hurried meals on the run and urinate into plastic bottles they keep in their vans.

They say they often break speed limits to meet targets that take no account of delays such as ice, traffic jams or road closures.

The delivery giant, which makes £7.3billion a year, does not employ them directly but uses an army of agencies instead. These agencies recruit drivers who work via an Amazon app and follow a delivery route set by the company.

More here


  1. any UPS or FedEx driver delivers 200 boxes a day this time of year and we all carry bottles to urinate in. We know what we're getting into. sounds like a crybaby.

    1. You also get paid fairly and are familiar with your route normally. We appreciate you.

  2. 1:49 PM and they get health benefits and retirement. jerk..

  3. 4:54 who you kidding, half of fedex drivers work for independent contractors, NO benefits, NO retirement..jerk

  4. USPS is the Slave Driver outfit and is the Govt who gets
    away with it ....!!

    All these damn places UPS / FedEx / USPS treat people like Shhhhht and Nothing is done about it !! Fact

    I would not put up with ANY of them Ever Again !!! FACT

  5. All those Delivery places are Hellholes who work their poor
    people to Death with too much to do & not enough TIME to do it.........and it is all covered up . FACT

    Slave Driver HellHoles !!!

  6. Getting Worse all the time in America
    WE are Slaves and are Not Free , get used to it !!!

    America will one day be communist like Russia & China !!!


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