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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Report: Fusion GPS Paid Senior Justice Department Official's Wife During 2016 Campaign

Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Trump dossier, paid the wife of a senior Justice Department official during the 2016 election, a Fox News report revealed on Monday.

The senior Justice Department official is Bruce Ohr, who was demoted last week, just before Fox News reported that he had met with dossier author Christopher Steele during the campaign, and with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson after the election.

He was demoted for not disclosing those meetings to the Justice Department, according to Fox News.

Until last week, Ohr was both associate deputy attorney general, putting him four doors down from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Ohr was removed from his first title just a day before Fox News reported on his meetings with Fusion GPS.



  1. Willfully undermining the government and political process sounds like something more deserving of losing a job and being prosecuted, not being demoted

  2. Every current and former Intelligence chief has testified to Congress they've found no evidence of Trump Russian collusion.

    In the past week, we've seen two instances of collusion with FBI's Stzork and DOJ's Ohr.

    Who needs to be investigated, again?

  3. The plot thickens. anyone who didn't believe that 'deep state' was against Trump being POTUS has to believe it now.


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