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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

RED ALERT: California Governor Caught PARDONING Criminal Aliens So They Won’t Be Deported

Merry Christmas, illegal alien convicts!

Gov. Jerry Brown of California has decided against passing out toys to good little girls and boys and instead has been granting pardons to illegal aliens. There’s always an argument to pardon an American, but the two convicts that were just pardoned by Gov. Brown were due to be deported by Donald Trump next week.

Not by Donald Trump personally, though I’m sure he’d like doing that as much as he enjoyed answering NORAD calls from children asking about Santa — but by the administration, who have been working to get Mony Neth and Rottanak Kong back to Cambodia.

Both men were brought Stateside as children in 1995 as part of a refugee relief effort. Local papers say the two men have not committed any crimes since being released from prison, but they were both taken for felony convictions.



  1. Cut all federal funding to California. Let the movie stars and liberals pay for all the wild fire damage and other in California.

  2. Pardoning them won't make them citizens. If anything hes put these aliens in a situation where they still cannot get a job AND now have confirmed doing something wrong by the liberals. Since we know from how the courts handled Arpaio's presidential pardon, first you have to be found guilty before you can get a pardon and freed from jail.

  3. Brown should be in prison...


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