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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

REALLY? Obama Takes Credit For Economic Growth Under Trump In Speech

Well, this just figures. Obama had the stones to literally thank himself in a speech last week as he took credit for the economic growth that President Trump has ignited. At a Chicago climate summit, he spoke to a rapturous crowd and told them that despite “resistance at every step of the way,” his administration’s efforts to fight climate change resulted in a better economy. Uh, excuse me? Climate change has had NOTHING to do with this economy. If anything, it has cost us millions that we could ill afford. Obama is a delusional Marxist.

“As we took these actions, we saw the U.S. economy grow consistently,” Obama said. “We saw the longest streak of job creation in American history by far — a streak that still continues, by the way.” He then had the nerve to add: “Thanks Obama.” Excuse me while I vomit… A LOT. What a freaking liar. I know a lot of people who were unemployed the whole time Obama was in office. He had us in a quasi-depression. There were no jobs for eight long years. Under President Trump that has finally started turning around. He’s brought manufacturing back and has reinstated energy production. The US is benefiting hugely from being more self-sufficient.

At the Chicago speech, Obama stated that forward-thinking environmental policies lead to economic growth. He said the U.S. is in an “unusual” position as the only country that hasn’t signed on to the Paris Agreement after Syria signed last month. “The good news is that the Paris Agreement was never going to solve the climate crisis on its own. It was going to be up to all of us,” Obama informed the gathering of mayors from around the world who were there to sign the Chicago Climate Charter. The agreement, modeled on the Paris Agreement, commits individual cities to bringing down their carbon emissions.



  1. And guess what version the people will hear from MSM??

  2. Redistribution of success...LOL

  3. I predicted Obama and the democrats would take credit for any success in the first two years after he left office. They are just disgusting. I will never vote for democrats ever.

  4. Just like everything that went wrong his first two years was Bush's fault. Creepy grandpa Joe was on CBS Morning attacking Trump on women again, calling Trump arrogant and rubbing in the Moore loss. The absolute biggest hypocrites on earth.

  5. I thought he was moving to Canada?

  6. The economy was already on the way up under Obama. It’s not like we were in a spiraling death roll and then suddenly on January 20, 2017 everything was suddenly sunshine and daisies. No. It’s a processs that evolves over time. We don’t blame nuclear North Korea on Trump because he was president when he Kim got nukes. It’s been decades in the making due to policy failures from both parties. Give credit where credit is due, give blame where blame is deserved.


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