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Friday, December 01, 2017

Obama Is Going To Asia Right After Trump Was Just There

Former president Obama to meet with Xi Jinping during foreign trip

Barack Obama will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday during the former president's foreign trip to Asia and Europe.

It will be the first time the two have met since Obama left office.

"As president, Obama forged a close and cooperative partnership with President Xi on issues ranging from growing the global economy to combating climate change, and he looks forward to catching up with his former counterpart," Obama spokeswoman Katie Hill said in a statement.



  1. Just another taxpayer funded vacation for the Obamas.

  2. I was taught in the army 1966 to kill , crush and destroy the enemy , it appears that this guy obama is now our enemy along with soros and a few others.

  3. Will he have to exit from the rear of the plane this time?

  4. Obama needs to stay out of politics and leave Trump alone to do his job. And Trump seems to be doing a much better job than Obama did.

  5. Lurk lurk! This so called Obama (barry sotoro) (mind controlled) visits (shadows) Our Great One! yes, Their Idea (here we Go again..!). Say no to all Lib ideas, they (mindless ones) are ignorant zombies of the Chem Trailers (lurk).. you knew that Obama was the Start! You Said no to the Second Demon and elected our Beautiful Trump!!!

    Reply now!

  6. These types of trips should not be at tax payers expense. Obama should be personal responsible for cost.

  7. 129 interested in hearing how so?

  8. Lets pray he and his husband stay. (map)

  9. Time to arrest BO and charge him with treason. Keep him down in Gitmo for about 3 years before bringing him to trial.

  10. 3:34 you nailed it. Lock him up!

  11. Did he leave his Robot at home ?

  12. Obama said there is only one President at a time. He also is pushing this idea through Mueller. So he needs to stay out of Pres Trumps term and policies especially Foreign Policy. He is doing the Democrat thing of being a hypocrite.

  13. maybe the asshole and his wife will stay there. maybe they can freak up that country like they did ours.

  14. Hey, obammy, bill and killary still want you to carry their luggage.


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