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Sunday, December 03, 2017

NFL HELL: Empty Seats Trend Moves into Week 12 in Stadiums Across Country as Anthem Protests Continue

Attendance issues continue to plague the NFL as the kneeling backlash rolls into week 12.


  1. See them bow down for the National Anthem and take a knee. AMERICANS stand tall and proud with their hands over their hearts. AMERICANS LOVE this country. While this group HATES this country. God Bless America !!! God Bless our Federal, State and Local Police, God Bless our Veterans !!! God Bless our Doctor, Nurses and ALL our First responders !!!
    Boycott !!! Boycott ASAP !!!Ray!!!

  2. Cheaper tickets for the rest of us. Thanks :)

    1. Good for you!! Glad you have nothing better to do than watch that garbage they put on the field today

    2. Like you could afford them even now.

  3. I am proud of the American people who will not tolerate these spoiled, arrogant NFL players. With the election of Donald Trump the American people are saying we will no longer accept business as usual. Things need to change and respect and reverence for this country must be upheld. I hope this hurts them financially and have lost all allegiance by their actions. People keep up the good work do not accept these millionare cry babies.

  4. I was at the game last night for a military appreciation event. Raven's stadium was half empty! I've NEVER seen it that empty! They even roped off half of lot H. I asked the parking attendant why? He said it was because Monday night games don't get as many fans as Sunday's.
    Yeah, right. MNF used to be over capacity. Not anymore.
    And what's with the pro-military ass-kissing? My son even said it was overdone. Everything during the game seemed like a fake apology. He said it was like a guy trying to right a wrong to his girlfriend when he "gets caught ". It was so fake, I had to force him to stand during the recognition event!

  5. 8:25 AM I see you are not educated in economics.
    They will be charging double to make up for the shortfall..

    1. That's weird because the tickets for the game I went to in Denver were literally cut in half. So it looks like YOU don't understand economics lol

  6. The players don't care. They have contracts, none of which say a thing about kneeling before a game.

  7. The players are losing this battle against the fans!

  8. Hosting games in foreign countries was the first dis to American fans. Kneeling to the American Flag/Anthem will most likely be its last.

  9. Game on TV/Redzone - free (ticket at Redskins Stadium $125.00)

    1/5 of bourbon - $31.00 (per drink/shot at Redskins Stadium $15.00)

    case of Bud Light Cans - $15.99 (per bottle 20z at Skins Stadium $10.00)

    16oz bottle of spring water .12 (per bottle at Skins Stadium $5.00)

    No line at bathroom at home.

    Not going to tally food - bottom line more cost effective to STAY HOME than be entertained by a sub .500 team that has done NOTHING since the 1991 season!

    NFL needs a new strategic plan!

  10. It’s time for the owners to go after the players and union for lost revenue!! While there at it sue the commissioner. It would stop instantly!!!!

  11. 10:00 no wonder those Denver tickets were so cheap! what else are those losers going to do! not like they are very smart.

  12. Sorry but I refuse to support the circus they call todays NFL. The arrogance of both the players and owners I can do without. The sad thing is its starting to make it's way into the college football game today. What's the deal with the ignorant celebrating and the ghetto dancing? I can do without such immaturity


  13. Owners have current contracts with networks; viewership will dictate how those renewals go.

    Players have current contracts based on expectations at time they were signed.

    All signs point to a lot less treasure to divvy up for all the previous beneficiaries: apparel firms, stadium concessions, advertisers, etc, etc. Owners won't starve but players may get a cold shower.

    Owners should be getting ready to throw Goodell under the team bus.


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