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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Miami University pro-life display illegally banned, lawsuit claims

HAMILTON, Ohio -- A pro-life student group refused to post “trigger warnings” ordered by Miami University officials and now has sued the school in federal court after the students’ anti-abortion display was banned by school officials.

The lawsuit filed Wednesday on the Miami students’ behalf by the national Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) contends school officials suppressed students’ free-speech rights by requiring such warnings be posted near hundreds of miniature graveyard crosses symbolic of aborted babies.

But Miami officials said Thursday the disagreement is based on an “unfortunate misunderstanding” and vowed that if any errors were made they will be rectified.

According to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for Southern Ohio, Miami University officials “refused to approve the (Pro-life) display unless plaintiffs agreed to post warning signs around campus that effectively urged people not to view it, forcing plaintiffs to present a ‘trigger warning’ for their own display.”

School officials allegedly cited “emotional trauma” student viewers might suffer, according to ADF officials, if they viewed the miniature cross display.

The October display has been an annual tradition on Miami University Hamilton’s campus, said Alliance officials in a statement.

“No university official has the authority to censor student speech simply because of how someone might respond to it,” said ADF Legal Counsel Travis Barham. “Like all government officials, public university administrators have an obligation to respect students’ free speech rights. The First Amendment secures the freedom of all students to participate in the marketplace of ideas, and it prohibits university officials from imposing trigger warnings that restrict what some students can say to spare the feelings of others.”

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  1. How do they expect to get through life without being "triggered" every step of the way if they don't build some character that resists or learns from those "triggers"? Academics who insist on protecting them from the realities of life aren't doing those children any favors.

  2. I just don't know what planet this is anymore.

  3. Oh here let me get you some tissues and playdough. Maybe we will call in a special puppy visit to soothe your hurt feelings. This is so out of reality I cant take it seriously.


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