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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mayor Jake Day graduates from 2017 Class of Maryland Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellows Program

Mayor Jake Day graduates from 2017 Class of Maryland Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellows Program

Salisbury – Mayor Jacob Day is one of 25 Maryland leaders who graduated from the 2017 Class of the Maryland Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellows Program.

The Maryland Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellows Program aims to expand negotiation, conflict resolution, and consensus building skills of a diverse group of Maryland leaders. The program emphasizes the importance of learning from each other, and works closely with experts in negotiation, collaborative governance, and consensus building. The overriding goal of the Fellows Program is to advance a more productive, collaborative future for Maryland's public, nonprofit and private sectors.

Since the first graduating class in 2007, Maryland leaders of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches have used this program as a unique opportunity to collaborate with leaders of faith-based organizations, businesses, education, and non-profits. Participants take part in exercises that help enable them to prevent and resolve complex public policy conflicts as they arise.

This year's cohort consisted of 25 Maryland leaders representing multiple sectors, and included: Mayor Jake Day of Salisbury, Anne Arundel County Executive Steve Schuh, Administrative Judge Katleen Gallogly Cox of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, Associate Judge Robert Greenberg of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Administrative Judge Laura Kiessling of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, Administrative Judge Brett Wilson of the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, CEO of MidAtlantic Farm Credit Thomas Truitt, CEO of Baltimore City Schools Sonja Santelises, Ombudsman for Governor Hogan Randall Nixon, Senator JB Jennings, CEO of Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake Lisa Rusyniak, Executive Vice President of Baltimore Development Corporation Kimberly Clark and Superintendent of Frederick County Schools Theresa Alban.

“While I was tremendously honored to be chosen as a 2017 Fellow of the Public Policy Conflict Resolution Program, nothing could have prepared me for the power of what we learned,” said the Mayor. “So much of what we hear, watch, and read about our governance involves impasse and conflict. I believe that the best solution to a given problem is the collaborative solution, and I am so grateful for the tools I gathered and people I met through this program. People want elected leaders who will work together. When politicians spend time focused on each other, you can rest assured they aren’t focused on working for you.”


  1. How di he ever graduate?
    He can't even work with himself !

  2. A participation trophy for who creates the most urban decay. Diversity!!!

  3. This program is another liberal control strategy, just like that conflict resolution office at Salisbury Univ.

  4. surprised they don't throw their backs out while patting themselves! this state is a joke!

  5. This is a joke, right?

  6. He can put this right next to his GED.

  7. He will do anything to have his picture taken.

  8. Isn't he too old to still have a mohawk haircut?

  9. Congratulations Mayor Day! Your citizens are proud of you. Jealousy is very apparent from the comments!

    1. I'm truly jealous of not mayor, yes I am. I would give anything to be able to eat corn through a picket fence. There's absolutely nothing anyone in Salisbury or wicomico county government has to be jealous of

  10. County Council members and the Executive might consider taking this course.


  11. Next he can sign up for a Dress for Success course. All the adults in the picture are properly attired.

  12. 11:46 They are dressed for a 1970's workplace. Most tech companies have a no suit and tie policy. Pajamas and shorts are the norm.

  13. Day needs to see a fashion consultant about those cheap suits and shirts.

  14. This guy just never let's up with looking for praise. Don't understand his logic though. He does everything in his power to create tension and divide while taking a course on resolving what he creates

  15. 12:46 this is 11:46 in reply.

    Jacob Day doesn't work for a tech company. He wangled his way into the class as Mayor of Salisbury. Even while he was employed by Perdue (is he still?) kind of doubt their corporate culture has evolved to pajamas, shorts and flip flops.

    A glance at the posting indicates he was rubbing shoulders with people with actual credentials and meaningful jobs.

    And if techieness is the objective, they could just have emailed his certificate to him and he could have read it in his living room in his pajamas, while sipping his hot chocolate.

    But back to the class in question; his recent interactions with other locally elected leaders and volunteers suggest he missed a lot of class and slept through the remainder.

  16. 8:15 Sorry to trigger your oldness and hatred of non conformity to old norms and dress codes. Many times I have encountered your type and I must remind myself that you are old and I am often the wealthiest person in the room notwithstanding my very casual attire.

    Maybe you should have stepped up to the plate, since Day became the mare by running unopposed.

  17. Big woopie and a selfie?

  18. Yea I'm wondering how many of these worthless "certificates" Day has on his wall? This guy really has some issues with wanting to feel important and socially relevant

  19. 11:08 AM: I see Mike Dunn was able to extricate himself from Jake Day's rear end long enough to praise him with a comment. Stick to your childish fireworks display.

  20. That's hilarious right there!! Mike Dunn is pathetic. He's on board with whatever is popular at the time and been a major league ass kisser for 40 years. Its amazing what type of people are so called relevant in Salisbury wicomico county government. Jake day is a mental case and Dunn is just a freak, PERIOD.

  21. Will Day live up to his quote in the article? In order to stop unnecessary conflicts is to stop feeding local trolls misinformation, Jake. Think you know who I mean. Might want to stop that. Get re-elected based on your achievements not how much dirt you can sling at other local politicians.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Congratulations Mayor Day! Your citizens are proud of you. Jealousy is very apparent from the comments!

    December 29, 2017 at 11:08 AM

    Jake Day is that you posting comments again?


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