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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Massive brawl erupts at Christmas toy giveaway in Detroit


  1. Of course something erupted in Detroit to a FREE giveaway! This was FREE entertainment for the rest of the country to enjoy!!!!

    Happy Holiday's indeed!

    (thankfully no one was hurt!)

  2. Yup! Exactly what I expected!

  3. All but one degenerate with a knife act civilized and this is a "massive brawl"?
    Pure clickbait on WXYZ's part.

  4. Meanwhile, over 700,000,000 people in America didn't behave like asshats.

  5. Listen to this! We combined several of our churches and had 1 family service at the DC Skyline hotel last night. *They* were outside trying to sell us the children's toys and gift cards they got for free! Even some children's clothes like new packs of socks and coats. They would have sold us 25$ gift cards for 10$ It was awful. My cousin got so mad at them selling the little children's things she cussed them and cursed them bad things to happen to them for their evil doings. Thank God they ran when she started but you know they just ended up on some other street corner doing the same thing.

  6. We need safe city spaces.

  7. You should post the fight in royal farms in princess anne, from Saturday night! It was on YouTube.

  8. 1st 946 - future American entrepreneur's in training!

    Sad that they received zero training and are selling off instinct alone. $25 gift card for $10.....

    Not surprised and no church is going to heal that mentality either!

  9. And Bless Our Children asked right up to Christmas Eve for money! How are they going to buy presents with 200K on Christmas eve? Really where does this money go? Shouldn't there be a cut off date to the giving? Is this money really being spent for the children? How much do they charge in administrative costs and fees? I've never seen a full explanation of this.

  10. 334pm - how? Steal of course! Its in "their" DNA!


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