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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Maryland State Trooper Breaks Record For Number Of DUI Arrests

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – A trooper has made Maryland State Police history by breaking the record for the number of DUI arrests made in a year.

For the past four years, Trooper First Class Anthony Wallace has made at least 100 DUI arrests each year, thus breaking a statewide record for the Maryland State Police. Prior to 2017, TFC Wallace and one other trooper on the SPIDRE team were the only ones who had surpassed 100 DUI arrests for three consecutive years.

While working targeted enforcement with the SPIDRE team this past weekend, TFC Wallace made his 100th DUI arrest for the year in Baltimore County and he is on point to make more as the New Year approaches. TFC Wallace makes on average, 120 to 140 impaired driving arrests annually as a member of the State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort, or SPIDRE team.

After graduating in the 140th Maryland State Police Academy Class in December 2013, TFC Wallace was assigned as a road patrol trooper to the Golden Ring Barrack where he quickly demonstrated his ability to locate impaired drivers on Maryland roads. Within his first six months, he was recruited by the SPIDRE team, an elite team of state troopers focused on reducing the number of alcohol related crashes in Maryland.

Funded by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Highway Safety Office, the SPIDRE team was the first of its kind on the east coast and has proven to be extremely effective. The team is deployed in areas of Maryland with high crash rates involving impaired drivers. The goal is simple – to find and arrest alcohol- or drug-impaired drivers before they cause crashes. To date, the team has been responsible for more than 7,600 traffic stops, resulting in over 2,500 DUI arrests since inception in May 2013.

SPIDRE is not alone. In the counties in which these troopers have deployed, they have been joined by officers from county police agencies to help increase the overall DUI enforcement presence. The SPIDRE team is dedicated to reaching the state’s goal of zero deaths on Maryland roadways. Officials warn that with the upcoming New Year’s holiday, there is an increase of parties and other celebrations where impairment may occur. To keep Maryland residents and visitors safe, the SPIDRE team will be out in full force over the holiday weekend.
Trooper First Class Anthony Wallace


  1. A million dollars in the pockets of lawyers. I wonder if he gets a cut or a thank you card?

  2. Thanks TFC Wallace,
    No telling how many lives have been saved.

  3. Thank you, Trooper Wallace.

  4. He couldn’t carry Lee Love’s jock strap. When Lee Love worked the road, he locked up twice that many EVERY year!! Ask around.

  5. Pretty sure there are findings against any wuotas or incentives to issue. That would include recognition. I applaud the effort but balance in the police state is essential.

  6. So that was 5000 wasted interactions? Poaching the bars in west OC would result in 100 a week. I would put undercover officers in the popular bars and bag them the minute they turned the key. Mama having a glass of wine at dinner is not DUI.

  7. Good job, keeping the drunks off the highways!!!!

  8. So, he locked up more drunk drivers, in one year, than the Superintendent locked up in his entire 30 year career. Nice.

  9. If they were all prosecutable - congrats!

  10. Anonymous said...
    So, he locked up more drunk drivers, in one year, than the Superintendent locked up in his entire 30 year career. Nice.

    December 29, 2017 at 6:39 AM

    Isn't that the truth.

  11. I'm pretty sure most officers don't like him because he is "showing them up. He is making the other Troopers look like they are lazy and not doing their jobs.

  12. Great work. Simple, don't drink-don't drive. If you cannot control your alcoholic beverage intake then you cannot control your vehicle. Don't cry and whine when you get arrested for it. Have you ever been struck by a drunk driver? Have you ever lost a loved one who was killed by a drunk driver?


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