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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Let Us Not Forget...The REAL Clinton Legacy

By Thornton Crowe

Nineteen years ago today, Bill Clinton was Impeached by Congress for committing perjury during the Ken Starr investigation of his sexual misconduct. By not enforcing the entire process, this set up a harbinger of misdeeds and further unscrupulous folly perpetrated by the Clintons.

First, due to the Senate not having there wherewithal to finish the deal by removing him from office, in essence, created an undeserving martyr. To this day, his supporters like Barbra Streisand swear by him and continue to support and defend both Clintons as if all their criminality is nonexistent.

Second, the real crimes at the time, far exceeded sexual misconduct. The sex scandal was merely subterfuge, casting shadow on bigger ticket items. For example, the massive Clinton fire sale of our intellectual property to China.

Third, it allowed the Clintons two additional years in the White House to have the taxpayers pay for the creation of their money laundering outfit, now known as the Clinton Foundation. As many have learned over the last couple years, the Foundation was used for a pay-to-play scheme where foreign (mostly hostile) agents made donations under the guise of philanthropy or paid speeches for the former president in order to curry favor with Senator and then Secretary of State. Quite a lucrative deal considering the Clintons amassed $145M+ from their various wheels and deals.

Additionally, their Foundation also profited many of their cronies (Crony Capitalism) in various schemes - think Haiti. Their various criminal activities are well-documented in Clinton Cash

Fourth, the fact the Clintons were allowed to continue on in the presidency, we had the value add of having many criminals released from prison - namely Weathermen prophet Bill Ayers - the godfather of the Obama factor in years to follow. The post-Impeachment period also helped promote the rise of many unsavory characters like now-disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey, whom we've found out of late, conspired against Donald Trump - both as candidate and President - while providing cover for the Clinton Crime Family.

The Clintons are continuously given free passes for their crimes while others who've done much less, rot in jails. Reality dictates, this period was the beginning of our justice system's decay - a most unfortunately consequence of letting them go unscathed.

Will we finally learn from our history or are we destined to keep repeating it?


  1. It's really disgusting the way people let them get away with their crap over and over. Shows collectively our country has shi^ for Brains.

  2. Ruining Our Country > What a Legacy !!!

  3. Worse Criminals in American History, & did not go to Jail !

  4. They will continue and never have accepted any fault for anything. They will never be charged because the FBI, the Congress and Senate and others have no backbone. They are a disgrace to this country and the world, it is no wonder other countries respect us no longer.

  5. The Clintonista Crime Family!
    The seed is in to the family business as well now!

  6. It's hard to believe Clinton got as many votes during the last election she claimed. Chances are her votes came from illegals paid to vote for her and malcontent Academics who live in Ivory towers of education and don't have to prove their worth in the real world.

  7. Proof that there Damn Shure IS > A DOUBLE STANDARD !!!


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