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Friday, December 08, 2017

Jordan Grills FBI Director: Did Agent Who Sent Anti-Trump Texts Bring Dossier to FISA Court?

Rep. Jim Jordan grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray this morning on the suspected actions of an FBI agent found to have sent anti-Trump text messages to his mistress.

At the House hearing, Jordan (R-Ohio) zeroed in on Peter Strzok's work on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and asked whether Strzok had anything to do with the anti-Trump dossier.

Strzok was moved off Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation over the summer after the text messages were discovered.

"If you kicked everybody off of Mueller's team who was anti-Trump, I don't think there'd be anybody left," said Jordan, alleging there is "more" behind Strzok's departure from Mueller's team.

"My hunch is it has something to do with the dossier," he told Wray.

Jordan laid out a scenario in which he said he believes it may have been Strzok who brought the dossier to a FISA court to obtain clearance for surveillance on members of the Trump campaign.

"If you had the FBI working with the Democrats' campaign, taking opposition research and dressing it all up and turning into an intelligence document and taking it to the FISA court so they could spy on the other campaign that is as wrong as it gets," said Jordan.

He said Wray could easily disprove his allegation by releasing the FISA application to Congress.


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