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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

I'm a Pediatrician. Here's What I Did When a Little Boy Patient Said He Was a Girl.

“Congratulations, it’s a boy!” Or, “Congratulations, it’s a girl!”

As a pediatrician for nearly 20 years, that’s how many of my patient relationships began. Our bodies declare our sex.

Biological sex is not assigned. Sex is determined at conception by our DNA and is stamped into every cell of our bodies. Human sexuality is binary. You either have a normal Y chromosome, and develop into a male, or you don’t, and you will develop into a female. There are at least 6,500 genetic differences between men and women. Hormones and surgery cannot change this.

An identity is not biological, it is psychological. It has to do with thinking and feeling. Thoughts and feelings are not biologically hardwired. Our thinking and feeling may be factually right or factually wrong.



  1. Transgender is another mental illness that liberals adore.

  2. Yes she is correct however. Satan currently rules common sense

  3. That's a must read. It's not about feelings. It's about facts. The LGBTQXYZ people are trying to make a 'disorder' main stream. What's next: pedophilia? necrophilia? bestiality?
    You laugh now.... just wait.
    You have a very small percentage of people trying - and somewhat successfully- to change the perceptions of the majority by identity shaming them into submission and acceptance because of 'feelings'.
    I don't care what they do. Just please stop trying to convince me its normal!!
    If I dressed up in women's clothing tonight, complete with heels and pantyhose, do you think my wife would think I'm normal?? It might make ME feel good but would go over like a lead-balloon. So, if transvestitism isn't normal in a normal relationship, why is transgenderism normal in a normal society?
    BTW... where's the best place to buy makeup?? LOL

  4. We are under attack by a satanic cult (freemasonry) and the attack includes media and entertainment industries as well as the government agencies.

  5. Yes 4:38 the tenicles run deep and wide into all faucets of society even some churches..

  6. 6:41 PM - maybe your meant facets not faucets??


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