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Friday, December 08, 2017

Gingrich, Ingraham: Democratic 'Lynch Mob' Calling on Franken to Resign

The Democrats calling on Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., to resign are acting like a "lynch mob," according to Fox News host Laura Ingraham and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

".. I'll tell you this tonight, be wary of the lynch mob you join today," Ingraham added. "Because tomorrow, it could be coming for your husband, your brother, your son, and yes, even your president."

Later on her show, Gingrich said in an interview that "all these nice people, none of whom have given back the money that they raised from Harvey Weinstein, none of whom have repudiated Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, none of whom seemed offended in the past, suddenly in a paroxysm of moral outrage, create a lynch mob."

He added, "and what you saw today was a lynch mob. Let's not have due process. Let's not ask anybody any questions. Let's not have any chance to have a hearing. Let's just lynch him, because when we get done lynching him, we'll be so pure."


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