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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Gingrich: 'Elite News Media' Has Spent 6 Months Lying About the Tax Bill

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich called out the "elite news media" for six months of "lies" about the tax reform bill, along with overwhelmingly "hostile" coverage of the Trump administration's first year.

Bill Hemmer asked Gingrich whether he believes the bill's passage will lead to electoral success for the GOP in the 2018 midterms.

The former Georgia lawmaker said the results will be evident very soon when Americans file their taxes and see a doubling of the child tax credit and standard deduction and lower taxes for small businesses.

Gingrich predicted there will be a boom in investment in American jobs due to the lowering of the corporate tax rate.


1 comment:

  1. Democrats only have one goal,legalize illegal immigrants for their vote that's it.


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