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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

French Mayors Panic As Migrants Overwhelm Cities, Beg Macron For Help

Mayors from seven major French cities overwhelmed by the flow of migrants, have written a joint letter to Paris published in LeMonde on Saturday, begging the government to step in and help.

According to the letter, the cities of Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rennes, Toulousa and Nantes are taking in "several thousand" refugees per month, which the mayors say is causing a social emergency as they are "backed up against a wall" and "completely saturated" by a seemingly endless flood of asylum seekers.

The year 2017 ends with a massive rise in the demand for asylum and the arrival of newcomers puts extreme tension - particularly with the onset of the cold wave - of the classic public and institutional policies. In a proportion never before known, the mechanisms allocated to housing asylum seekers, led by the State, often with the support of our communities, are indeed completely saturated, despite the steady increase the number of places ... The evidence is there, before our eyes, in our streets, in homes and shelters: there is urgency.

Every month, several thousand people arrive in our cities. Integrating those recognized as refugees and helping those who have lost their right of asylum who still remain in our territory is a major issue. -Le Monde (translated)



  1. They made their bed..not so comfy is it..

  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Too Bad you Douche Bag Liberals. You wanted them and now you've got them.

    1. Exactly, they are welfare sucking cretens that will totally ruin that country and all the beauty it once held

  3. They think the politicians care.

    THEY aren't living in the same neighborhoods and the only muslims they ever touch are diplomats.
    Armed killers make sure they are protected and they have butlers to go to the store.
    THEY LOVE "diversity", inclusion, and open borders as long as it's the serf's doing the heavy lifting. And getting raped and killed.
    France may be headed for the next revolution.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 19, 2017 at 7:08 PM

    Well, thats what their Liberal Socialist Politicians wanted and now they got it. And they don't know how to handle it. In typical Liberal fashion, they crying over the spilled milk, little too late.
    Thank God Hildabeast lost, otherwise we would be in the same boat.


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