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Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Former Dem Congresswoman Sentenced To Five Years In Prison On Corruption Charges

Former Florida Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown was sentenced to five years in federal prison Monday on number of charges including tax fraud and tax crimes.

A judge sentenced Brown to five years in prison and a 3-year supervised release. Brown will be forced to surrender to authorities sometime after Jan. 8., according to CBS 47.

The jury convicted Brown of stealing money from a fake charity, One Door For Education. The “charity” was supposed to give scholarships to children who could not afford school but instead the Democratic congresswoman used the donations to go on trips and purchase expensive items. She also used the money to host parties.



  1. She needed to be made an example in order to stop others from competing for the dough the Clintons were taking for their foundation.

  2. Demon-crats are going DOWN !!! LOL Drain the Swamp !!

  3. Time to go after the rest like Pelosi & SHumer !! LOL

  4. Can be seen on YouTube Maxine waters standing by her side saying the investigation was racist and she did nothing wrong

  5. No news on MSN about this.

  6. Another crooked Democrat bites the dust.

  7. This will not be the last one either!

  8. I'm sure CNN is all over this story...not!


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