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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Federal workers poised to overtake salaries of senators, DC gets highest pay raise

The top paychecks of federal workers are set to grow again next year to a six-figure number that rivals the $174,000 salaries of America’s 535 House and Senate members.

Under a new federal order, salaries for most bureaucrats in the General Service will rise next year when the cap on top pay hits $164,000.

And for the upper reaches of the government, senior executive service employees will be allowed to earn a maximum of $189,600.

The Washington area, where the bulk of federal workers are employed, will get the biggest pay raise under the order signed by President Trump before Christmas. There, the increase for General Service workers will be 2.29 percent.

The average federal worker in 2016 earned $86,365. With benefits, the total compensation was $123,160.

The average nonfederal pay in the nation was $58,726, with total compensation at $69,901.



  1. Don't hate the player, hate the game!

  2. Executives aside, lets remember that these ranks include thousands of scientists, engineers, legal/medical professionals, and other skilled positions.

  3. 2.29 percent raise for Federal employees when Social Security final got a 2 percent raise after 3 years of no raises.
    But then Medicare went from $109.00 a month to $134.00 a month wiping out the paltry Social Security raise of 2%.

    1. You amd others do realize that both of those programs are safety nets right? They were not designed as your retirement plan. Sounds like you need to stop sucking off the governments teet and earn your keep

  4. The government is printing money out of thin air.
    No business could afford to pay secretaries these salaries and benefits.

  5. You are wrong. Everyone paid into Medicare and social security every two weeks during their working career. Medicare and social security are not entitlements like welfare. Only people sucking off the government are lying about their disability and I'll the Govt like it is their good given right even though they didn't pay a dime to the system.

  6. 7:20 Except for the bornheres that work under the table and do not pay into SS/Medicare.

  7. Thank you 7:20 for telling the truth!

  8. If have nothing good to say 428, then shut up!

    If you can't beat'em, JOIN them!

    I learned long ago to get to the food, one must move closer to it!! So don't say you cannot when most have found how to!

    Jackal's like you spew nonsense because you simply don't know or care to know.

    I don't feel for you at all and in this new world of TRUMP - you best get on the train or we'll leave you behind!

  9. The Trump train tracks might run through the eastern shore but there aren't any stations it stops at!


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