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Saturday, December 09, 2017

‘Fake News’: Provocative billboard claims the Gospel isn’t true

To the faithful, it’s a road sign on the highway to hell.

The American Atheists group has continued an annual tradition by putting up billboards in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, that state “Just Skip Church… It’s All Fake News” alongside an image of the Christian nativity scene.

An attempt to put up two of the same signs in Oklahoma was stymied by the billboard company.

Nick Fish, a spokesman for American Atheists, claimed the signs aren’t meant to offend, but to spark a dialogue by adding a topical tag line.



  1. Don't lie. It's totally meant to offend all Believers. It is the very thing Atheists are doing by forcing religious symbols to be taken down.

    Lying is a sin, and even atheists frown on liars.

  2. Great quote by ANON: i would rather believe their is a God and find out their isn't, than not believe and find out their is.

  3. I don't mind saying it but I am offended! If you are atheists then why are you using a Christian symbol and not Jewish, Hindi, Buddha, Muslim, etc. Or is it because they are racist atheist?

  4. Nice point 8:50.

    Whatever happened to "live and let live"?

  5. 9:00 That's what people said to the Christian Crusaders.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 9, 2017 at 11:25 AM

      That would have been Roman Catholic Crusaders fighting in the name of Pope. The other Christians were burned on the stake or slaughtered.

  6. 9:38 AM - You have reliable quotes from 800 years ago?


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