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Saturday, December 02, 2017

Executive Director of Governor’s Office for Children Wins Innovators Award for Children of Incarcerated Parents

Maryland First in Nation to Prioritize, Fund Services for Children of Incarcerated Parents

The Alameda County Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership presented the Executive Director of the Governor’s Office for Children, Arlene Lee, with its Innovators Award for Children of Incarcerated Parents today during the Inaugural Bay Area Summit on Children of Incarcerated Parents for her vision, innovation, and persistence in directing attention to Maryland as the first state to prioritize and fund services for children of incarcerated parents on a state-wide level.

“Under Arlene’s leadership on behalf of the Hogan administration, Maryland has become the first state to make funding for children of incarcerated parents available on a state-wide level,” said Carol Burton, Co-Chairperson, Alameda County Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership. “We hope that other states will look to the work being done in Maryland as a blueprint towards statewide transformation.”

Lee was chosen for this award in recognition of her professional leadership as a “beacon of light and hope for many policy advocates and service providers,” and as a “pioneer in the field, a trailblazer, and as an innovator.” Lee was also asked to offer opening remarks for the Summit to give historical context and direct the overarching tone for the event.


  1. OK, please explain why their needs to be funding for children of a jailed parent. First we take care of the one in jail, free everything. I am pretty sure with loss of income, if jailed parent worked before being jailed, that the rest of the family is getting welfare, snap card, medical care, etc. Why, oh, why do they need more? As I said at the start, please explain.

  2. 7:03, You know how conservative I am. However, it's not the child/children's fault. Thank God we live in a country that recognizes such children in distress. We should STOP giving so much away to other countries, especially those countries who do not support our agenda and do more for our Veterans as well.

  3. I agree with you as far as it not being the childrens fault. However, that does not explain where all the other benefits that they already get go. Does the remaining parent or guardian not have a responsibility to see that the benefits they get actually goes to the children?

  4. 8:08, All too often we get comments very similar to yours challenging/wondering if government is doing what they're supposed to. Look, while I mainly agree with these challenges, people like you need to actually get involved and stop feeling like you can't. My job here as a patriot is to give of my time to expose what I/We feel is important for you to know on a daily basis.

    Far too often people come here asking me to dig further or look into this or that. I start at 3 am and work till almost 10 pm each and every day. I think I do more then enough. YOU people need to start making calls and challenging our elected officials. If they refuse, then it is time to send me that information and it will get exposed.

    I cannot do it all alone.

  5. I did my part when I was young. Once again I agree with you that more people need to get involved. Maybe one of the reasons they don't is because the younger generation had just about everything given to them. The earned very little. They still think they are entitled. Thus they want others to do it for them. ALL seniors should have to spend half of their school year in a foreign country. Then maybe they would appreciate this country more and start to give back instead of taking. Also want to tell you personally Joe, I really appreciated ALL YOU DO to balance the scales. You are not entirely alone.

  6. 9:08, I can tell you on my behalf, we started raising our Grandson 14 years ago. The state of Delaware offered to pay us what seemed very fair money each month to put a roof over his head and feed him. Because we do not need financial help, we turned down the states offer, believing those funds could be used for other families/children who truly needed the money. I guess this is why I too get really pissed off when I see people taking advantage of the system.

  7. I am not criticizing these programs and the help given to these children, since it is not their fault nor should they be punished for their parents mistakes and activities. My point is they receive a lot of benefits from the State as does the Family during and after the incarceration of a parent. No one really knows the extra benefits they receive. Also there is no accountability / responsibility of the usage of these monies. Majority of it does not go for the welfare of the child. There should be an accountability / requirements of these monies, this includes all tax dollars anyone receives. MD needs to balance the budget and quit robbing State Retirement Agency and raising taxes to pay for their added spending.

  8. I agree with 9:37 as a retired MD State employee there is a lot of truth in this comment that would cause outrage if the people knew of all the benefits received.


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