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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Exclusive: Why Paul Ryan Is Resigning

DC insiders reveal two reasons for Ryan’s exit

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) is resigning due to potential fallout over the debunked Russia dossier now threatening to take down high-level FBI officials as well as the brewing scandal involving former House IT staffer Imran Awan.

Ryan, who was never a fan of Donald Trump, isn’t far removed from the key players involved in the dossier, including GOP super donor Paul Singer, whose web site, the Washington Free Beacon, was reportedly the first to hire dossier maker Fusion GPS to probe Trump’s background.

The FBI may have used the dossier, which claimed Trump had “golden shower” parties with foreign hookers, as “justification” to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign.



  1. Deep State ! Deap State!! Uranium *One*? ClinTonium= new Element? Obama. Yes, him. He was "^^Their^^* candudate. Kenya? How.? Soros is Liberal brain Washer,!,! Dud you know.? Did you Say, No!! Now back to clinTon. they as the **Media*" are Supposed to Tell us (yes, us.!) The Truth!!! Youre Chem Trailers Can Not fool me!

    Reply Now My ListenerS!!

  2. All I can say is there's more to this than what's written here. It will be revealed soon. To be honest, if having Donald Trump in office continues to drain RINOs out of DC like Ryan, it's worth all the crap we've had to endure. Purging DC is the best thing I've seen in my half century on this planet!

    It's turning out to be Merrier Christmas than we could ever hope for...

  3. 1:43 totally agree, what a great Christmas and what a wonderful New Year its gonna be, #MAGA!

  4. Take note here people, the real reason the guilty parties are resigning, is because this is how they can retain their benefits, not to mention some might stop pursuing their crimes! Whereas if found guilty, they could loose everything. Know for sure that those dropping like flies are guilty of great crimes.

  5. Like a domino effect these dirtball criminals are jumping ship. How many years will it take to prosecute all these crooks?!?!!

  6. 43 Senators & Congressmen are resigning/retiring and 1 suicide. The Swamp is draining. Watch the boiling surface.

  7. 1:36 I think you have chem trails of your own! Where can I get what you're smoking?

  8. There has been no announcement of Ryan resigning.

  9. I heard Ryan say today that he was not resigning and that this was a lie and false news. It is sad when everything you read has to be questioned anymore.

  10. To save himself the embarrassment of being trounced in his next primary.

  11. At first there was the reported story that Ryan was resigning; then after 48hrs. the story turned around...we're in a wait and see pattern.

  12. That is a Clinton News Network story...he is denying it

  13. CNN is one of those that said Ryan is resigning. Ryan says he is not.


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