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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Enraged naked postal worker goes on killing spree, police say

Relatives and friends of two Ohio postal workers slain by an enraged, naked coworker were at a loss to explain the violence that occurred Saturday morning.

Police said DeShaune Stewart, 24, of Columbus, was charged with killing his supervisor at a post office in Dublin, Ohio, and then killing the Dublin postmaster outside the Columbus apartment complex where she lived.

Both killings were regarded as acts of “workplace violence,” police said, adding that they believed Stewart regarded the victims as being to blame for his impending dismissal from his job.



  1. Let me see now the name DeShaune rings a bell , wonder why?

  2. Damn, why couldn't he have gone after Hillary?

  3. Going Postal has always amazed me. All you have to do is have a pulse, walk maybe drive and be able to read and stuff shit in boxes. Zombies could do it and get all the federal benefits and pension. Our own vets don't have such a tit gig. I have gone paperless and taken down my mailbox they can recycle all that crap. The few times I have had to go to Post Office I am nonplussed. Same for the DMV. Where do they get these people ? Everyone was sitting there holding numbers and there were two Kiosk for license renewal I used one and was out in three minutes and they admitted they didn't even know if they actually worked and people were just sitting there like sheep holding numbers waiting for one of these dolts to help them.

    1. 1:52- You took down your mailbox? I call B.S. on that!

  4. Oh no,a postal worker gone postal.


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