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Thursday, December 07, 2017

EBT Blogger Just Can't Handle The Truth

"Joe, you've been hacked. And it's killing your numbers. Damn, I love it!!!! Gonna get a lot more difficult for you to lie about your numbers now".

It never ceases to amaze me his obsession over me. He sent in this anonymous comment ten times on different posts and of course there's only one person on earth who would actually give a crap. Nevertheless, I have no problem exposing my numbers and proving this Idiot as a liar. The above numbers clearly show this morning that we're not hurting in any way, shape or form. 


  1. Have some pity for him, he's the result of years of Crisfield inbreeding. One day the government will do a DNA study down there and the truth will come out.

  2. Looks like his parinoia is getting to him. He thinks he has a high traffic site. His articles are one sentence and he expects everyone to know what he's talking about.

  3. Parinoia is just that. Parinoia. Unless of course it's real!

  4. It's paranoia, phonics fans.

  5. Actually it is growing. I moved to Florida but I have you Joe as an app and I read your blog every day. Some times I share it with my friends and family in other states. Love it - never go away.

  6. We know it was spelled wrong but we get the point.


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