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Friday, December 15, 2017

Deputy AG: "I'm not aware of any impropriety" within Russia special counsel

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday that he does not believe members of the special counsel or FBI involved in the Russia investigation give off the appearance of impropriety for having donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Where things got heated: GOP members on the committee argued that several FBI agents investigating Russian collusion are biased, as seen through the anti-Trump texts sent by Peter Strzok. Rosenstein responded by stating that the DOJ recognizes they have employees with political opinions, and work to ensure they "are not in any way a factor in how they conduct themselves in office."

Backlash from Committee members: Multiple panel members slammed Rosenstein's response, arguing that the text messages show clear bias among investigators against Trump, which they feel will impact the Russia probe. Note that Mueller fired Strzok after learning of the text exchange.


1 comment:

  1. Special prosecutor in place to avoid conflict of interest and hired only people who voted for clinton. Trump appointed inspector general found the text messages NOT MUELLER. Basically CLINTONS campaign is investigating Trumps team. #INSANITY


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