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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Debate Ensues After Fall Cruisin Event Review

OCEAN CITY — A review of the fall Endless Summer Cruisin this week triggered a contentious debate about whether the event should be renewed at this time and an even larger debate about council meeting procedure.

During Monday’s Mayor and Council meeting, TEAM Productions’ Bob Rothermel, who produces the spring and fall Cruisin events, presented a review of the Endless Summer event in October. The presentation is a requirement of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the town of Ocean City and the promoter. The MOU outlines each party’s responsibilities in the fall Cruisin event and making a post-event presentation to the Mayor and Council is one of requirements for the promoter stated in the MOU.

“From the event perspective, everything went smoothly at the Inlet and the convention center,” Rothermel said. “We had close to perfect weather with sunny skies and temperatures in the 70s on all three days.”

Rothermel said the Endless Summer Cruisin event had 2,130 registered participants from 18 different states. He said the check-in dates revealed the registered participants were arriving early and making an extended weekend out of the event. For example, 924 registered participants checked in on the Wednesday before the event, with another 867 checking in on Thursday.



  1. OC will never eliminate a few bad apples,and there is no adequate compromise.It should be cancelled.

    1. You have to realize that only the h2o group is the problem.
      In an effort to be "fair", the other motorized conventions are mentioned.
      (I equate it with the Baltimore Civic Center cancelling all rock concerts for a few years in the 60's because of riots. The problem with that is the riots only took place during "soul" concerts - but they had to cancel them all.)

  2. Its better to have a sanctioned event then to have a free for all. You cant stop people from coming so you reen to best control what little you can.

  3. The H2Oi event is the only one that really causes the big problem.
    Here's my solution:
    Instigate safety checkpoints (like the DUI checkpoints) at key points around the city - Route 50; 90; Delaware line. The stops would be to check for motor vehicle compliance.
    To alleviate traffic jams, wave through the cars that obviously have no potential problems (just as they do at DUI stops).
    If it is a minor violation, give them a ticket.
    Major violation - impound the vehicle.
    No violation - hand out coupons or discount cards donated by local sponsors as a "thank you" for coming to the town and being patient during the safety check.
    Word will spread very quickly on social media there will be zero tolerance in OC when it comes to vehicle safety and cracking down on illegal equipment. It would weed out most of the worst offenders.

  4. OC needs a speed bump every 100 feet

  5. HA 1047, our elected officials are speed bumps trying to have a solution to all issues.

    No entity will cancel a yearly event that generates revenue for the entire community. No matter WHO b*tches the loudest. Those days are long over since money rules!


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