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Monday, December 18, 2017

D.C. Metro defends ban on Catholic Church’s Christmas ads

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority told a federal appeals court on Friday that a lower court was right to reject an injunction that would’ve let the D.C. archdiocese advertise a Christmas campaign on city busses.

Metro defended the lower court’s ruling denying the Archdiocese of Washington’s “Find the Perfect Gift” campaign in a 32-page filing entered in response to a new emergency motion for injunction pending appeal currently being considered by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The Archdiocese of Washington sued Metro in D.C. District Court last month after the transit agency refused to let it advertise a website, FindthePerfectGift.org, on Metrobus exteriors. The archdiocese asked U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to grant a preliminary injunction forcing Metro to run the ads, but she ruled against them on Monday, December 11, prompting its attorneys to file another motion for injunction in D.C. federal court the next day.

The archdiocese claimed that Metro’s rejection constituted a violation of its First Amendment rights “because the prohibition creates an unreasonable and disproportionate burden on the exercise of the archdiocese’s speech without any legitimate justification.”

More here


  1. I can't stand a Democrat.

    What have you got to say about this Liberal Father Labarge?

    Signed a Ticked Off Catholic

  2. D.C. the Heathen Swamp...

  3. I don't understand? The metro adopted a policy about not accepting “issue-oriented, including political, religious and/or advocacy in nature" in 2015. Probably not worth all the upset that it causes.

    They are not silencing any speech. It is not a "ban" on Catholic or Christmas messages as the headline deceptively suggests.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I don't understand? The metro adopted a policy about not accepting “issue-oriented, including political, religious and/or advocacy in nature" in 2015. Probably not worth all the upset that it causes.

    They are not silencing any speech. It is not a "ban" on Catholic or Christmas messages as the headline deceptively suggests.

    December 18, 2017 at 11:59 AM

    Of course some dumb @$$ Dumbocrap is coming to the rescue to defend these anti-Catholic idiots.

  5. Of course some dumb @$$ Dumbocrap is coming to the rescue to defend these anti-Catholic idiots.

    December 18, 2017 at 12:19 PM

    Seriously? Of all the replies you could have typed out and this is what you landed on as "the best representation of my mental abilities"?

    I think I rest my case. My work is done here.

  6. 105 LOL this is par for the course here. No logic, no powers of observation on objective analysis. Just insults and the loud mouths spewing nonsense.

  7. 2:10....you could always leave the site alone and find one that appreciates your intellectual brilliance.

  8. @8:04 AM Imclain

    I'm not sure what 2:10 Anon will do, but I'll never leave. It's too much fun, it's low hanging fruit, really.

    You know when I know that I've really driven the point home, and put the situation in a headlock? It's when my posts get censored.. not for being off topic to the discussion, or for vulgarity, but because what I post decimates the narrative, and we can't have that now can we? Each censored post is a admission of defeat.

    We're not REALLY interested in the free marketplace of ideas here though are we? Were that true, nothing would be censored, save for vulgarity which I understand.

    The other time I know that I've driven the point home is when you, Imclain, start typing in all Caps, and start throwing straw men around like they are going out of style.

    No, I don't think I'll ever leave. This site needs my intellectual brilliance, by the way thank you for the recognition and compliment.


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