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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Congress to Investigate Obama Scheme to Nix Investigation into Hezbollah Terrorists

Lawmakers are launching an investigation into Obama-era efforts to thwart a longstanding U.S. investigation into the Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah, according to multiple congressional officials and insiders who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

The Obama administration worked behind the scenes to thwart a decade-long Drug Enforcement Agency investigation into Hezbollah and its highly lucrative drug trade in Latin America, according to a report in Politico. These officials are believed to have run interference on the investigation in order to avoid upsetting Iran and jeopardizing the landmark nuclear accord.

Senior Obama officials in the Treasury and Justice Departments are said to have undermined the DEA's investigation at multiple junctures in order to avoid angering Hezbollah's patron Iran, which could have jeopardized the landmark nuclear agreement.

Congress is now taking steps to formally investigate the reports, which multiple sources described to the Free Beacon as part of a larger Obama administration effort to overlook Iran's global terror operations in order to cement the nuclear deal.

More here


  1. His Secret Service for life should be discontinued for starters,because he clearly stated that he had made the US a much safer place in which to live.

  2. Whatever, just more smoke and mirrors. They are all in on this crap and we will never get the truth.

  3. How in the hell did we elect a muslim terrorist (obama ) as POTUS , have we gone that low? He had the black people and some of the whites fooled , but if you look back in history the radical islam religion is the same everywhere , if you are not a mulim then you should be killed. I'm still shacked after 9 years of his influence on the world.

    1. I had a gut feeling that the media wanted a black President. I never watched nor listened to one of Obama speeches. Not because he's black I just didn't like him period. He was so arrogant. I read alot about him but I would never listen to his speeches.

  4. He is an illegal Muslim from Kenya and he should be imprisoned and committed to hard time for being a fraud.


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